Let’s face it, you have a lot riding on this exam.
- You might be a recent massage school graduate, with the MBLEx being the final hurdle between you and your new, exciting career.
- Maybe you’re a therapist moving to a state that requires the MBLEx before granting you a license.
- You may even have a job waiting for you and you desperately need to pass this exam ASAP!
- It’s possible you’ve let self-doubt and anxiety keep you from trying again after a failed attempt, or even keep you from ever attempting the MBLEx at all.
and preparing for this exam doesn’t have to be overwhelming.
I understand your frustration.
I’ve spoken with over a thousand massage therapists struggling to pass, prepare for, or even muster the courage to take the MBLEx.
I’ve helped hundreds overcome personal obstacles to pass the MBLEx. I can’t express enough how much joy I get from receiving an email from someone who just passed the MBLEx! I want to share that moment with you, too.
Ivy Hultquist
Founder of Massage Exam Academy
It’s a passable exam, but preparation for it must be taken seriously.
(source: fsmtb.org)
3 Common Reasons Why People Fail the MBLEx
…and why you won’t!
#1: They under-prepare or start too late
Light study or cramming are guaranteed ways to come away from the MBLEx disappointed with the result.
You can avoid this
…by arming yourself with a proven study plan and committing to do the work.
#2: They do not employ active learning
Studies show passive learning techniques, such as reading without recall or self-testing, result in low retention of the subject material.
You can succeed
…in learning the material by using the Assess, Review, Test learning loop.
#3: They allow doubt and anxiety to get the best of them
Exam anxiety is real but it’s possible to overcome, as it often revolves around the fear of the unknown.
You can quiet your anxiety
…with exam simulations, which allow you to become familiar with the pace and feel of the MBLEx.
So what would it be worth to you and your career if…
- You had a clear plan of study laid out for you so that you never have to ask yourself, “What should I work on now?” …and instead could put your energy and focus into the task at hand?
- You had 100% confidence in your ability to pass this exam due to the practice you put in, not only to master the material, but to manage any jitters or anxiety that may creep up during the exam?
- In the coming months, you had your massage license in hand, ready to accept a job offer or start a new business?
A Proven Plan to Pass Your MBLEx
As important as this exam is, it’s crucial that you do not waste precious time and energy with ineffective study methods or reviewing outdated material.
- Step 1
- Step 2
- Step 3
- Step 4
Assess and Prioritize
Once people begin to study, it is quite common to become overwhelmed by the information they need to learn for their exam, and they are often left wondering where to begin.
In the first step, you will establish a baseline of your strong and weak subject areas. We will prioritize the areas that need the most attention, so you’ll know exactly where you should first direct your study efforts.
Improve Problem Areas
After getting your baseline, we will then narrow your focus to improving the highest priority subject.
You can mix learning methods on the given subject to help keep you engaged, as you monitor your scores until they reach an acceptable level.
You will repeat this process for each problem area until all weaknesses have been eliminated.
Become a Better Test Taker
You may never become the best test taker in the world, and you may always experience some anxiety surrounding exams. This doesn’t mean you cannot become a better test taker or find ways to manage exam anxiety.
We will review test-taking strategies that are actually quite easy to learn, as well as cover steps you can take to reduce exam anxiety.
Learn About the MBLEx
When you know more about the MBLEx, you are less likely to feel as anxious because you will know what to expect before, during, and after your exam.
We will review MBLEx details, such as the percentages and content of each of the seven subjects, the exam time limit (and what happens if you run out of time), the “passing score”, what “Computer Adaptive Testing” is, and everything you will need to have with you on exam day.
Learn Self-Care for MBLEx Success
Preparing for the MBLEx can be exhausting, both physically and emotionally. We will take steps to help you avoid burnout and foster energy going into your exam.
Practicing self-care will help you approach your exam with a healthier mind and body.
Not only that, but self-care will also help you for years to come. You are about to embark on a career that involves helping others the majority of your day. Self-care is going to be something you must learn if you plan to have a long and happy massage career.
Ready to Get Started?
What You Can Expect to See on the Inside
Category Study Guides: An Efficient Review
These online study guides are a great refresher for exam candidates who have been out of school for a while.
Recent massage school candidates can reaffirm their knowledge and boost their confidence going into the exam.
Category Practice Quizzes: Improving Your Weak Areas
Each category has a 20-25 question quiz that will randomly pull from the category database, so you never get the same quiz twice.
Your score report will provide explanations for every question, so you can get immediate feedback on why you may have selected the wrong answer.
- Category# of Questions
- Anatomy and Physiology1354
- Kinesiology1244
- Benefits310
- Guidelines240
- Ethics161
- Assessment332
- Pathology540
- History164
- Medical Terminology260
- Total4605
MBLEx Simulator: Remove Exam Anxiety
How much better would you feel going into your exam if you already knew what answering 100 questions in 2 hours felt like?
The exam simulations do exactly that, simulate the real thing.
- 100 Questions
- 120 Minute Time Limit
- Number of Questions per Category Match the MBLEx
Because questions are randomly pulled from the category databases, you can take an unlimited number of exam simulations.
Your exam reports are available after completion, so you can review your performance and adjust target areas.
Simply put, I’m confident the Exam Simulator will do more to alleviate anxiety and bolster confidence than anything else you do to prepare for the MBLEx.
Mini-MBLEx Simulator: When You’re Short on Time
Meet the Mini-MBLEx Simulator.
- 25 Questions
- 30 Minute Time Limit
- Number of Questions per Category Match the MBLEx
140 Kinesiology Flashcards
Flashcards are an effective memory aid tool, because they use active recall and give instant feedback.
Consultation and Support
If you run into a section that is getting the best of you, send me a quick email, and we’ll work together to ensure you are feeling confident by test day.
Passing the MBLEx
19 Years After Massage School

Meg Survil
My biggest fear was that I would not remember any Anatomy, Physiology, or Kinesiology, having been out of school so long.
The practice exams helped me understand areas of weakness (Kinesiology, A&P) but also helped me know that I was improving, as each practice score slowly got better and better.
As I kept taking tests, I reviewed the missed questions and all the answers within the missed questions. So I wasn’t just studying to pass that question, I studied to understand why I had missed it.
How You Can Get Started Today
- Choose your membership length from the options below. (There is a suggestion above each price to guide you if you are unsure.)
- Complete the Account Registration and Checkout by selecting “Buy Now” on the membership length you’ve chosen.
- Use the Quick Start Guide to immediately begin taking focused study action.
Choose Your Membership
Purchase Details
- All memberships have full access to the MBLEx study program.
- Each membership is a one-time purchase and not a reoccurring subscription.
- You will have the option to renew your membership at a discount, if needed.
MBLEx Success Story
After A Prior Failed Attempt

Lisa Bowen
I enrolled in Massage Exam Academy after I failed. I passed my MBLEx on 9/12/2018, exactly one year after graduating. Massage Exam Academy was the best help and the simulation exams were the closest to the MBLEx test.
I now plan to work at a spa or I may want to open my business. Thank you, Ivy, your website was super helpful!
Frequently Asked Questions
Is this study material up-to-date for the current MBLEx?
Yes! As changes are released for the MBLEx, I make necessary updates to the study guide, practice quizzes, and exam simulator so you can be confident you are preparing for the current exam.
Are these practice questions from the MBLEx?
The FSMTB does not release the questions from the current MBLEx, and at the time of your exam, you must agree not to share the questions with anyone. Therefore, no exam prep service or study guide has the exact questions from the MBLEx.
The practice questions on Massage Exam Academy are written using materials from the MBLEx Reference List released by FSMTB, and other massage therapy resources.
Do I have to sit at a computer to use this program?
No, Massage Exam Academy works perfectly on any device: Mobile, Tablet, or Computer.
You can review a study guide or take a quick practice quiz any time you have a few minutes available.
Is Massage Exam Academy appropriate for the MBLEx given in my state?
The MBLEx exam process is the same in every state. All questions are pulled from one large, national database of questions. When you sit down to take your exam, 100 questions will be systematically pulled from this database. No two exams are exactly alike.
Pass Guarantee
If you happen to fail the MBLEx, I will extend your membership for free until you pass.
We can discuss what went wrong and I can help you re-focus your efforts.
Try the Program, Risk-Free
I’m confident Massage Exam Academy is the best MBLEx prep program available. But sometimes the expectations of two different people don’t align.
If you start digging into the material and it just doesn’t feel like the right study package for you, please let me know.
During the first 72 hours of your subscription, if the service doesn’t meet your expectations, I’d be happy to give you your money back.
Choose Your Membership
Purchase Details
- All memberships have full access to the MBLEx study program.
- Each membership is a one-time purchase and not a reoccurring subscription.
- You will have the option to renew your membership at a discount, if needed.